
The Spirit Fitness XT485ENT treadmill is the perfect mix of features and function. With a large 10.1” touchscreen display you can easily navigate through the 30+ on-board programs and workout controls. Preloaded apps like Netflix, YouTube, CNN, and more, as well as built-in screen mirroring capabilities and a USB charging port offer endless entertainment or motivation opportunities, so you don’t miss a beat. Built-in Bluetooth FTMS lets you connect to apps like Zwift and Kinomap, connect to your headphones, or an external heart rate monitor. 

The powerful 4.0 HP motor backed by a lifetime warranty will get you moving up to 12 mph on the generous 22” x 60” running surface.

Not everyone has a spare room for exercise equipment. Spirit was the first company 20 years ago to design a quality treadmill that folds. In fact this kind of frame almost entirely eliminates shake in the console that is common when most treadmill are inuse. The built-in transport wheels makes moving and storage a breeze.